About Me

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I am a 42 year old woman that is about as happy and content as one person can be. My husband of 21 years and our 15 year old daughter live on five and a half acres out in the country. We moved from the city four years ago and never looked back. I homeschool our daughter. We also love our animals. Our daughter has a miniature horse and two rabbits. We also have a border collie, two cats (again), two pot belly pigs, four peafowl, three emus, 2 llamas and an undetermined number of chickens, lets just say ohhh about 200. I have many breeds, from layers to fancy chickens. I love poultry shows, I love fowl in general as I have come to find out through having more than just chickens. Chickens will always be my first love though. I do show some of my birds occasionally.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Last Tomato, Books, and Upcoming Story

Good COLD morning! Its in the 20s again this morning. I think the cold weather has finally decided to come to Georgia. I had a tomato, believe it or not, growing on the vines that I decided to leave since the weather had stayed so mild so late in the year. I had covered it with plastic the past two nights, but last night I went ahead and picked it. It is still so green, I dont know if it will ripen or not. It is about as big as a baseball. There were other smaller ones growing too but they are lost to the frost now. All the plants were frozen and died night before last. I really held on as long as I could to summer didn't I? I have to face facts now and settle in for the wintertime and try to enjoy it for what it is, a season.

I want to thank everyone for their comments and encouragement for Sherry. I want everyone to know that I love her no matter what. We have been friends for so long now. I think that it takes a special friendship to have so much time pass in between visits, but be able to pick up where we left off like it was yesterday. We all have things in our lives we aren't proud of. I know I do.

      Shelby is getting some better now...still stuffy nosed but I think by Monday we will be ready to get back on track.

I have been looking over all those homeschool books I picked up. Wow, I hit the jackpot. There are a few in there that I really have no use for, but most of it is going to really be useful and keep me from having to spend so much money on books in the following years. I have enough History and Math to last us til she graduates! The Physics book looks interesting too. There is also a chemistry booklet that has the periodic table in it along with lots of information about all of the substances of the periodic table. I am just thrilled to have gotten these books off of Freecycle.

Now enough chatter, I better get a shower and head out. I have grocery shopping to do this morning and I want to get there before everyone else does so I can shop in peace.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day and I will see everyone tomorrow. I want to do an entry on Ember sometime this weekend. She was quite a hen, and we miss her terribly, but her story is very entertaining and makes for a good story and good memories. She was the next chicken we got, and I had her up until recently when that fox was coming around getting my smaller chickens. She was such a tough gal, Iknow she must have put up a fight, but I know the fox got her because we found a lot of her tail feathers right outside the fence on one corner of the property where she often slipped through and went galavanting outside the safety zone.

( I have fell down on the job of pictures lately, but I will try to get some new and fresh photos this weekend to add to my entries. I still have to take pictures of my new birds, so maybe that will be what I work on this weekend)


Anonymous said...

I love Freecycle.  I've gotten enough jeans to clothe Emma for a year.  I've given away a ton of stuff too.
I'm sorry about your sister.  I can't imagine.  Oh wait, I have some idea since my sister is divorcing a certifiable mentally unstable man!  But I really don't since I never spent much time with him.  Always felt uncomfortable around him.

Anonymous said...

I saw the Home School books on Freecycle and then I saw taken.  Small world that you got them.  I had some tomatoes that died too.  I have about 40 something still coming in.  Hubby's been covering them in plastic He said we lost a few last night.  This is my second round of tomatoes.  That one you picked will turn green if you set it on a window sill where it can get the sun.  

I could write a book on your sister.  I'd love to talk with her one day and straighten her head out and hand her back.  Yes, I think I'm that good.  Sorta like a bootcamp Dr. Phil. lol  Fresh ears might help.  

You and I are alot a like.  I don't like DRAMA in my life.  I don't create it and don't like anybody bringing me some.

Have a wonderful weekend, Nelishia

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of Freecycle but it sounds great, especially since you saved so much money.  Those books would have cost a small fortune!! A friend homeschools and told me how costly it is one time.  I don't like drama either, hate it and run from it.  Too bad your sister is the way she is.  I can imagine it does hurt to see her the way she has become ~ and your poor Mom...she must worry all the time.  I am looking forward to reading about Ember.  Have fun at the grocery store (that is one thing I hate to do!!).

Anonymous said...

How about a fried green tomato? Hummm good. I know bad. I know a person who just can't seem to help but lie. You just wonder what makes them thay way and why don't they realize you can figure that out. Hope someway some how your sister gets the help she needs. Looking forward to your new chicken story. Paula

Anonymous said...

sorry about your sister.  people like that are emotional leeches.  and its Liar....my ex is one too.....very frustrating.  especially when you HAVE to work with these people in some way......

take care and have a much more peaceful day

Anonymous said...

Kelly that Tomato is huge I used to put mine on the windowsill in the light and they used to turn red after a while ~ that is a true friendship when you can pick up after being parted for some time as if no time has passed ~ I really am so sorry about your younger sister ~ sounds like a swift kick up the butt would help her (only joking:o) she does need some help and it is so sad that she is such a worry to her Mama and the rest of your family ~ I wish I had an answer for you but I do not ~ she dosn't deserve such a lovely family ~ perhaps one day she will realise this ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Kelly I'm so sorry about everything you have been going through.  If she's in the hospital.....will they not force her to go to some kind of couseling?  The reason I say that is.... (a friend of mine that I work with) her daughter tried to kill herself about a month ago.  Thankfully her Mother found her!  After she recovered she was FORCED to undergo counseling.  I hope you have a better weekend.
