There is no comparison. DSL ROCKS! I cannot begin to express the freedom that I feel. All my frustrations of waiting my life away for pages to load have been lifted. There is nothing like it. Simply amazing.
I am going to attempt to make a video of Phoenix waking up tomorrow morning and post it here.
I went back and watched all of Dads (Tomato Garden) videos...all the while sitting there SMILING. :) I so enjoyed hearing his voice and listening to him talk. I am seeing him for the first time as dial up would always cut me off before any video could completely load. I sure did enjoy them all.
Its only nine thirty now, but I am tuckered out and I want to get up early and get my coffee going and get on here and see just what I can get into now that I am on DSL. This is going to be so much fun. :)
Night night everyone...sleep tight, dont let the bedbugs bite. ;)
Life is GOOD.
I won't get any sleep for the first 24 hours after I get my DSL in. Glad it finally came. I know you sure must be happy!
Oh, yeah! I'm definately jealous! At work I have a great high speed connection and new smart, fast PC. But the trouble there is the blooming copfilter the company uses won't let you do any of the really neat stuff. So either place I'm just out of the loop. :o/ - Barbara
I am glad that you have got everything installed. I can see the smile you are doing along with the happy dance LOL. Looking forward to seeing Phonix and more movies. Helen
I know how excited you are. It's like see everything for the FIRST time. It's truly AMAZING isn't it. I can't wait to see your videos. I'll check back in with you later on today.
I knew you would LOVE dsl. I'll make it to your mega entries later. My carpel tunnel has been keeping me off of the computer some.
I just watched your video didn't get an alert for this one but I did for the Video one ~ crazy aol ~ glad you are enjoying DSL ~ Ally x
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