I talked with Ian about the Niteguards. He believes that the predators will be deterred at first, but will become desperate enough to venture in again and discover it is nothing but a blinking light. You have to remember too, that a predator will smell whether there is really anything there or not. I think he is right. I suggested the only way it may work is to move the thing around from one place to another every few days, he said that might work, but for now he wants to keep on putting out the recipe and putting up the birds.
I have to tell you, I did sleep like a baby last night, knowing that each and every bird was housed and locked in for the night. It is some trouble to do this. All my old flock will go in at dark anyway, but these new girls, they are really stubborn. There are about half of them that have really become spooked and will go in now...but Ian and I still have to gather the remaining hard heads.
Making sure every bird is put up and locked away for the night is the only sure way to KNOW they are safe. No light, no poison set out, none of that will ensure that one does not get taken anyway. So that is what I will do...for as long as it takes, and it may just have to become part of owning chickens now.
We had quite a storm come barrelling through here this morning. The lightening, downpours...were really heavy. Now I think we are going to blow completely away. The storms are gone, but the wind is unbelievable.
I visited several journals this morning that have pictures of signs of Spring. I guess we are all wishing and wanting it to get here. It is on all of our minds, we are all so tired of being cold.
We did have a nice weekend this past weekend. Saturday we spent all day out and about. First we went to Lowes. Ian got some bug eating plants, I got some materials to make a pen for the pair of Cochins. Ian looks at this hammer, everytime we are in there. It is twenty five dollars. It is one of the metal heavy ones. He always says he could use that at work. I finally just put it in the buggy (shopping cart for some, right Paula? LOL) and told him today was the day he was getting that hammer!
Next we decided to head over to Big Lots. Last time we were there we didnt find too many bargains, but this time WOW, we were on a shopping spree! They have rose bushes right now, 2 for 5 dollars! They look GOOD too! I got four climbing rose bushes as I want to have roses all over the fence...wouldnt that be so pretty? We found lots of other deals and bargains, Shelby even found one of the newer Tomb Raider games for PC for only 6 dollars. Pretty good. We had a good time.
Next thing I knew it was 4 pm, so we decided to head over to ShanesRibShack
They have one near Mama and Daddy that we have gone to several times, but now they have the new one in Rome. Let me just say....MMMMMMmmmm...lip smacking messy good!!
Shelby did something she has never done, at least not to my knowledge. Teenagehood has finally taken over her brain I am sorry to say. Ian was on to her scheme, but I was none the wiser, me being a poor trusting soul.
Shelby says she doesnt feel good.
Shelby says she wants to go home, she doesnt feel good.
Before she didnt feel good, she had mentioned her favorite tv show Yin Yang Yo..a new episode was coming on...
I didnt make the connection.
Do you see where I am going with this?
We still had to go to the Walmart for groceries..and she needed new shoes.
We were all full of meat..BBQ is so filling...but I DID NOT want to go out Sunday to get groceries...we were coming up on Walmart as all this was going on.
I pull into Walmart...determined we are going to go get this done.
Ian says...you know why she 'feels bad' dont you?
I have this clueless look on my face.
Ian says..Oh COME ON...I can see what she is doing, you cant?
He had to actually tell me that my daughter was FAKING being sick so she could see her show...
What a let down. What a disappointment.
Oh yeah, she felt guilty...later.
Not to mention, it turns out her show was a RERUN!
Sunday we were supposed to go to Fernbank Museum...but we decided two days out and about was too much excitement for us....so we opted to stay home and relax, just spend the day together at home, maybe this coming weekend we will go. We will see.
Yep them buggies come in handy. Never hurts to have a good hammer around. Maybe Ian will loan it to you. Sure like the pretty graphic. Paula
I hope you can soon get all those chicken catching preditors. Glad that you had a good Saturday. Kids will be kids and try to get away with things. At least you know now what happened and prevent it next time. Storms came through her early this morning also. Tore 75% off a high schools roof not for from us. Damanged some more schools also. A lot of people in Al is without power today. Thank goodness we still have ours. Helem
The graphic is so colorful, so very pretty. It sounds like ya'll had a good time. I say 'buggy' too and have to change it according to whoever I'm talking to. Serves Shelby right that it was a re-run. LOL Shouldn't have been schemeing and she's not very good at it yet. Ian has a point about the animals getting used to it and being able to smell if there's something there. I hope it isn't going to have to be a lifestyle for having chickens. Sounds like high maintenance to me.
I'm also glad for IAN to get the hammer of his dreams. I have one climbing rose that Dirk bought me last year. I may pop over to the Big Lots here in Cartersville and see if they have the same deal and get another one.
It sure did get loud with the weather last night here too.
Oh boy did I ever play sick to watch my soap "Days of our Lives" lol It was a must because we never had the vcr's like the other kids did! lol So I tried to skip out as much as possible! My mom was a huge sucker to this and I don't think she ever caught on...or if she did I didn't know it.
You know, when possums were killing my chickens that time, the way we got them was I'd carry a flashlight and Cliff or my son would shoot them while I shone the light on the little killers. The light did not even faze them. If I said anything, they were off like a shot, but light didn't bother them at all.
LOL on your daughter that's just the beginning. I hate teen years. Good luck on catching the killers.
Take care, Chrissie
Our chickens disappeared in the daytime. We always locked them up at night. It is very frustrating . I understand you must be heartbroken. I only had two. Does anything bother them during the day? It sounds like your family had a nice day out. I love to do that and finish off by eating out but not buying groceries especially if I'm not hungry. You will make it through her teenage years and someday wish you could do it again. I have two daughters and I can't believe one is 43 and one is 40.
We have a Big Lots. Wonder if they have any here. Might still freeze here?? I would like to have some new rose bushes. What a wonderful thought. Need to start thinking about where I would like some. :-) That is just terrible about something getting your chickens! Would make me sick. I love all of my pets. Sure hope you figure out a way that will not take up all your time. :-) God Bless, Janie
i would love to get some climbing rose bushes!!!!!!!
Uh-oh, Shelby was busted!!! We have had to keep our chickens in an enclosed area for years due to the predators around here. So they are in the large enclosed pen during daylight but locked in their house at night. It is sad we have to take such drastic steps but nature doesn't care if it is a pet or not, it is their meal. Too bad you have to go through this but at least they are safe.
So, if you never told anyone where you are from or live......but refer to your parents as Momma and Daddy, and you are an adult, all will know you are from the south. I got tickled reading that.........Or as some say, Mother and Daddy~it's just Southern. My kids question why I refer to my father as Daddy, everytime I say it. They all called hubby Dad~but he's from Ohio, so there ya go. LOL
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