About Me

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I am a 42 year old woman that is about as happy and content as one person can be. My husband of 21 years and our 15 year old daughter live on five and a half acres out in the country. We moved from the city four years ago and never looked back. I homeschool our daughter. We also love our animals. Our daughter has a miniature horse and two rabbits. We also have a border collie, two cats (again), two pot belly pigs, four peafowl, three emus, 2 llamas and an undetermined number of chickens, lets just say ohhh about 200. I have many breeds, from layers to fancy chickens. I love poultry shows, I love fowl in general as I have come to find out through having more than just chickens. Chickens will always be my first love though. I do show some of my birds occasionally.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

See You Next Monday


Its that time again. Ian is off tomorrow and the weekend and its time for me to say goodbye til Monday. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.   Remember, everyday holds the promise of a better day. Every day we wake up to a new day, we get another chance to start over. Make the most of every day. I usually don't care for the Fall season much, but I am going to do my best to look forward to this following season and embrace it. 


So what do I have planned for this weekend? Oh a little of this and a little of that. I don't think we will be able to go much of anywhere since all the gas stations are out of gas, just about anyway. Thats okay though, we can enjoy being at home too.

As far as chicken chores go...I plan on building these guys and gals new winter quarters. These pens I got from Freecycle were fine for the Summer months, but its not going to be cozy for wintertime. So, I have three pens to make, and I might make a small run attached to them too, I havent decided yet. One for the Sultan pullets, one for the Sultan cockerals. Then one more for my two gals that I managed to keep alive and well out of the terrible loss of my Elvis and Elvis Jr., and my sweet girl I lost to the fox.

Here are the summertime pens. These will be put away, possibly used later to keep show birds clean on shavings when I am prepping them. I have three pens, but I for some reason only took pictures of the two.


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Of course I plan on spending plenty of time with my family...and this is also when Phoenix, Clyde and Rusty get more of my attention. :) Here is Rusty now..bidding you a good weekend...see you all on Monday. XOXOX


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Anonymous said...

Enjoy your time with your family!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,  Have a nice weekend.  I should take a lesson from you and make myself scarce too.  One more working day til the weekend.  Wooo hooo!!!           Marlene

Anonymous said...

Rusty is one FINE-LOOKIN' rooster. And I think he knows it, too!

Enjoy your weekend--sounds like you've got your work cut out for you!

Hugs, Beth

Anonymous said...

Happy weekend, enjoy the family, critter & work time!!!  Take some time to play too!!! ;)
See ya Monday.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your time with family and animals. See ya later, Paula

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your weekend.  We are finally getting back to normal with gas. I only saw a couple of stations that were out today.  

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a fun time over the weekend. Blessings, Janie

Anonymous said...

Rusty is a beautiful rooster with his big red comb. The other are so pretty also. Enjoy your busy weekend. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Kelly, I hope you have a great weekend!  Linda
