Yesterday was a fine day to be outside. I sat around and watched chickens, took pictures(to be shown later), puttered about here and there. Just soaking up a Fall feeling day.
I kind of know these things are going to happen. Time just seems to slip by so fast and before you know it things have come to pass. Most of the time if someone gets to setting on eggs I will take them. This time..well, I just kind of never got around to it, and thats okay too. :)
I was doing a pass on the pens, making sure everyone had clean water and plenty of food. As I peek into Speckles harem pen...this is what I saw...
Here is a slideshow of Thelma and her three beautiful babies. This just makes me smile. Silkie moms are such wonderful dedicated mothers. If you remember, Thelma is one of the silkies I showed last February. None of the babies had bumps on their heads, so these are not Sultan/Serama (Speckles) mix. They are either silkie seramas, or possibly one of the eggs could have been Twiggys, the mixed little girl that is Shelbys chicken. I believe she is some sort of silkie/bantam cochin mix. Enjoy mom and babies. :) You will see proud daddy in a few of the pics, and an aunt Sultan in there too. MissTwiggy girl never let me take her picture though ;)
A short video of mom and babies
Awww what a wonderful surprise! :)
They are beautiful babies. That mama has enough fluff to keep them toasty warm these cool nights. Helen
Awww so cuddley and soft looking. It is start to feel a little fallish here to and it is certainly welcome. Paula
Kelly they are adorable ~ I enjoyed the slide show ~ Ally x
Hi Kelly ~ How cute are they???
(((Hugs))) Diane :)
Oh my gosh this is one of those AWWWWWWWWW moments!!! They are so adorable!!! What a pleasant surprise for you!!
OH MY! I am SO anxious for my silkies to become mommies! I have two girls and a boy and I plan on letting them sit away! :D Now watch, just because I want them to they won't become broody!
OMG that serama boy DOES look identical to Kelly! I can't believe that! It seems like I am looking at Kelly. Did you say that was Kelly's brother or father? Kelly has the purple/green sheen going on now in the tail feathers and lots of red stipes on the saddle and up by the neck area too. I can't wait to see what he look like next year. He does have some feathering on his legs and he is a little big but I still love him, he's prefect to me :D
Oh Kelly ~ THey are soooo cute! What a wonderful surprise!!!!
Awww they are so cute. All baby animals are so sweet. Janie
They are adorable. What a nice surprise! They just climb all over her don't they, and she is so patient with them.
Fall is truly here. I'm loving the cooler temps and wish it was like this all the time. It's much easier to breathe.
Private Journal
Awwww... thats the sweetest babies I have seen. Adorable.
Take care, Chrissie
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