Well lets see, there was the good, the bad, and the ugly...this past weekend.
Karen and Tiffany got here and sat around talking, catching up on things. Shelby and Tiffany went and did their thing, playing Shelbys new High School Musical singing game for the Playstation 2.
I fed and watered the animals early then started cooking.
Erin and Mike got here in the afternoon. Ian got home from work.
Everyone sat around talking, having a good time til really late for us...around midnight I guess it was.
Everyone had had a few beers and such. Some more than others. :(
This caused a problem. After the kids had gone to bed there was a hushed argument ensuing upstairs in the foyer.
It was Erin and Mike. I learned a lot that night. One was Erin needs to 'grow a pair' if you know what I mean, the other is he needs to quit dwelling on and analyzing, picking apart every little sorted detail of their relationship to the point it drives him to say mean spiteful things.
Mikes youngest daughter is sweet, but she is kind of whiny and a tattle tail. Something was always wrong, her stomach hurt, her eyes were itchy, her nose was watering, she had a headache...and this was just over a few hours. When the kids went to bed she came down knocking on my bedroom door telling me the girls had the stereo going and she couldnt sleep. Well I thought she meant the stereo..nope, they each had their little CD players with head phones, emitting a little bit of sound from them even though the ear buds were in their ears. I put Abby down on the couch. That wasnt good enough. She had to go in and wake up her Daddy and tell him the tale. That woke Erin up, then the argument ensued while Abby was on the toilet once again whining that her stomach hurt. I think she wanted attention, and a lot of it.
Erin went into hysterics...woke Karen up downstairs with all the sniffling and whailing. Karen was so disoriented she thought Erin was Abby and her daddy had done something tohurt her. It wasnt til she got Erin out on the porch that she realized it was not a ten year old girl but and ADULT. Good grief.
Then they woke me up again. Bunch of what do I do, what did I do wrong, I didnt do anything wrong, GAWDOMIGHTY.
Cant I just have ANY normal friends or family? PLEASE? Why does something always have to happen...some kind of drama.
The next morning we all got up early, with little sleep, and went to Ryans for breakfast. After that Mike, Erin and Abby went home.
The rest of the day was uneventful and quiet. I was so happy about that.
Okay...I guess this is enough venting.
I have to laugh at myself. I dont actually HAVE any problems, it is when I come in contact with other people that I become upset and stressed, but it because of their problems bleeding over into my life.
I am so blessed to have the life I have.
I can see it now, a new reality show called The Chicken Chronicles! Linda
OMG, I always say I can have 1000 animals in peace but bring a human or two in to the mix and let the drama begin! Sorry you had such an unrestful visit ~ it did kind of sound amusing though....of course reading it and living it are two different things!!! :) You know I love ya!!
WOW that was something! I guess I do have a pretty normal family...AND MY hubby gets upset when we get into our laughing fits in the middle of the night when we have the family together! lol Me and my four sisters sometimes have a laughing fit...ya know...when someone farts accidentally! lol Sometimes that bugs our hubby's! But hey...at least we don't argue! And all the hubby's get along too and agree that they all married into a VERY strange family. haha No arguing there...we already knew that!
That girl sounds like my younger sister. She was always hotter then anyone else or her mesquito bites itched more then anyone else. She is older now and her ailments are always worse then anyone. lol Hope this one changes. Paula
I bet you were glad when they all left. PEACE & QUIET!!!
Yeah, that one is going to be a fun adult. Alrighty then.
You know, it makes me glad we don't have people over very often. Drama.
And it's good that you recognize your life is blessed.
Why was her first instinct that her hubby had hurt their child in some way? That kinda spooks me a little bit. And that came out of her subconscious to because you said she wasn't oriented enough to even know for a bit who she was talking to.
The Abby, Erin, Karen thing...
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