Hmmmm...once again I have managed to write a garbledy gook type entry...he he...I have GOT to start going back and reading what I wrote and be more careful. Its not a big flubbub but I wanted to clear up something just in case Hollie thought the Poultry Show was at the Georgia National Fair...because Paula interpreted that...but that isnt the case. They are two seperate events. Now you would think that as big as the Georgia National Fair is...and all the different livestock shows they have, that they would have chickens...but it is not so! Can you believe it??? They have horses of various breeds each day doing shows, cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, llamas, rabbits, even cavies! But no chickens. :( Sometimes there are a pair of chickens in one of the exhibit hall areas just to add flavor. They get stuck next to the Mama pig with all her babies in a metal crate thing that keeps her still so she doesnt roll over and kill the babies I guess.
Anyway, the Georgia National Fair is in Perry, Georgia, and it is going on right now through Sunday. If there was ever a fair to go to it is this one. It takes all day just to see all the exhibits and shows, no time for the rides and games, which is something I would rather miss anyway. You can do those things at any county fair.
The Poultry show is in Hamilton Georgia on October the 20th.
Okay now that I cleared that up, let me show you all something. Do you see this plane below? I was mowing the front today, looked up and this GIGANTIC ENORMOUS U.S Air Force (you could read the dang logo on it it was SO LOW!!!) plane came floating over my house! This is not the first time this has happened. We have had some old propeller planes come over real low also..smoking the whole way...very worrisome. Now I didnt have my camera on me then, but I watched and it was going to circle and make its way I ran in and got my camera and waited. Sure enough, here they come from the south...straight for me. Then they veered to the right before they got right up on this picture is the closest it got, but let me assure you...this was actually far away compared to when it came over my house. THIS PICTURE IS NOT ZOOMED!!!!! AHHHHHHH! Scary huh? I have called about them flying too low...assuming they were coming out of Marietta...but I was told without giving them an ID number on the plane they couldnt tell me a thing. Well...I didnt get a number, but it sure was close enough to read US AIR FORCE on the side...and I am NEAR-SIGHTED! That would mean I am not supposed to be able to read things that are far away..well I sure could read this! Is that nuts or what??? Scared the poor chickens, all roosters sounding the alarm of danger, set the guineas off to screeching.
I got outside today..mowed for a long while...felt good to get out in the sunshine and breeze. Had me a shower to get all the itchy grass that blew all over me...and I am winding down now. OH BTW, the guinea that got loose and ran off...remember I took two of them over to my neighbor? Well it did come back, Jim caught it and put it back in the pen with the other one...she wants to let them out...I say NO...not yet. They will run off...keep them penned for a little while, its not going to hurt them.
Alright, time for bed you sleepyheads...night night...sleep tight...dont let the bedbugs bite.

Oh don't mind me I stay mixed up with John asking me questions in one ear while I'm trying to do my job of reading journals. Wow that would scare me with those planes so low. Paula
When we had our campers at Wiess Lake there were a lot of planes like that coming over all the time.They said they were training piolets to fly. If that be the case there they need to take those things a little higher up. Whatever the case it they need togo higher than that. Good picture you got of it. Pretty blue sky. Helen
Wow! That plane was low!
Good grief! That would shake me up, seeing a plane that close.
Kelly "Georgia National Fair" sounds like a wonderful one to visit ~ That plane looks very very low can just imagine how it upset your chickens must have been ~ we have helicopters fly right low over our house ~ (I could pass them a cup of tea out of the window :o) ~ just had a read back on your last entry and I hope you are feeling better now ~ take care Ally x
have a great time at the fair!!
I thought the show you were entering was at the Georgia National Fair too. We don't live too far from Dover AFB (about an hour) and those planes are always over our farm. Evidently they are testing flying under radar. It has set our horses into a frenzy. One afternoon I heard a horrible rumble, Doug & I went out and just as we were off the porch the nose of one of those planes was over our head...we could see the BOLTS on the plane!!!! Everything rattled and blew, I was terrified, I hit the ground! Doug just stared in shock...I think they were too low that day.
Thanks for clearing that up Kelly. I did think the chicken show was at the Ga. Nat. Fair. I can't believe chickens aren't shown there also. Go figure......
I would have freaked out about the plane. That is too close for comfort. I hate those huge choppers that fly so low too. Great picture though.
I hope you're feeling better by being out in the sunshine.....
Wow that plane is close. Just dropping by for a visit. I'm trying to catch up somewhat on journals. Things get busy in the week and I don't have all the time in the world to read and comment like I would like to. I wish I had a lap top then I could get comfortable and read. Maybe Santa will be nice to me.
Take care, Chrissie
Just sort of popping in to say "Hi". I saw a referrence to your journal at Sam's. We have approx. 50 head of chickens. - Barbara
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