Combatting depression about this time of year is a regular occurance now for the past six years. I slack off taking my Prozac in the Spring and Summer as I am pretty happy without it..but come Fall and Winter...its time for the meds again. I don't mind, I just want them to kick in so I feel better.
I don't have any reason to be depressed...I just start to feel sleepy and reclusive...and if not left alone, very irritable...and eventually angry. I don't have any explanation really...just a chemical imbalance I have probably had all my life.
Anyway, on to other things. It is good to keep busy during these times, keep the wheels in motion. I always look forward to the Georgia National Fair and this year is no exception...I just can't wait to get there! Mama will dogsit for us...Tip just loves to go visiting Mawmaw and Gaddy. That is what Shelby calls my parents, and of course Tip is the granddog. We will be gone too long that day for her to stay home and not be able to go out to potty. She is used to having someone around all the time anyway...leaving her for long periods doesnt happen. She will be much happier visiting.
I have decided to make the leap and show some of my chickens. I have selected the oldest Serama rooster, two of his hens, and my Silver Laced Polish Coco. She had lost a lot of feathers during the summer but she has really filled back out nicely so I will be taking her out of the pen with Kuckoo on Sunday to get her bathed and get her into an inside box so she will stay clean. I would show Kuckoo but he is getting new feathers in his head and has a lot of pin feathers...still sheathed, so he isnt looking in prime condition. I went around looking and looking at everyone, trying to decide who would be best to take and settled on these four.
I called in my entry and now it is time to there will be much bathing and grooming and trying to keep them all clean until next Saturday. I asked if there would be any other Serama entries and there will be. There is one lady in Newnan, Georgia that raises them..and well, she is showing Class A (the smallest) and Class Bs (next to smallest). Mine are definitely Cs, they are big for Serama, maybe too big, but that is okay. The only way I will ever know if they are worth a dime is if I show them. Dwain took three of his roosters he got from the lady I bought mine from, and he got these from, to a GOOD breeder and suprisingly the guy said that if he was selling two of the three he brought for him to look at, that he would sell them for no less that a hundred dollars each. So maybe there is hope for the Class Cs. I think they are much more common than the As or Bs. Serama do not breed true to size. You can take two As and end up with a B or C size offspring. The same holds true for breeding bigger ones, they may throw As. You just never know til they are grown.
I never win any trophies or plaques or money, but that is okay. I go for the fun of it, and if I did win I would probably lay an egg for sure! I dont get my hopes up...and I just go to have fun, and I do like to see my birds get good marks.
So, for the next three weekends I am going to be running here and there...and of course the last weekend, the third weekend will be for Shelbys birthday, then there is Halloween.
Our little town of Rockmart has a thing at the square for all the kids in the area...all the shops have games and give out candy. There is a costume contest too. We have gone two years in a row and we will go again this year. Its a lot of fun. As long as Shelby doesnt think she is too old for that stuff, we sure will go. :)
So that is what is going on with me...I am holding my head above water and treading steadily til my meds kick in, then I will be back to my old self. If I seem a little blah in this entry I am, but I will snap out of it, dont you worry.
Here is a picture from the fair last year...

Hoping you will feel better soon. Good luck on your entrys. Looking forward to the outcome of it all. Hugs, Helen
I hope you start feeling better soon. I am so happy you decided to show ~ good luck!!! I need to know, how do you bath a chicken? How do they behave and how long did it take you to get them to allow this? What else do you do to get them ready? All right, I'll stop with all the questions now. I still can't touch mine, they cluck & carry on and everyone gets all worked up. Last night I tried to pet a hen and I thought the rooster was going to take my eye out. You are such a good mom, sending Tip to stay with Mawmaw & Gaddy....he his a lucky boy! I will be looking forward to lots of pics!!!
Love ya,
I wish you good luck at the fair but as you say it is just fun to go and see everything. You have a good attitude about it. Sounds as if you will be very busy in the coming days so have fun and Happy birthday to your daughter. Paula
Hope you're feeling better soon. Good luck with your entries! Where is this fair at?
The Halloween thing in Rockmart sounds like great fun! I love Halloween!!!
I'm so glad you are going to show your chickens! Good Luck! That Brahma is nice looking! Linda
Are you moving on from poultry to cattle?
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