Sorry about that, sometimes the days just get away from me! Its been a busy few days. Shelby went to spend the night with my parents Thursday night. On the trip to and fro I stopped in at Dwains and dropped him off two cockerals and two pullets, nice Class B Seramas. He has quite a collection going now of that breed. Some were babies from my stock...and wow my guy and three girls really threw him some good colors. Some look totally unrelated, and really pretty too. While there Dwain gave me a dutch male rabbit, he is fixed, and another male rabbit that he didnt want or need. He wanted a hutch a woman had, but had to take the rabits with the hutch. These two bunnies are for Shelby. Now, the story of how I got these birds I will have to tell in a seperate entry...because I have to tell you ALL about it. OH yes, there is much description and detail ahead. I got myself some nice Serama too...but I earned it, believe me. More to come on that later.
Being in the middle of the road all day on Thursday my last stop was meeting Ian at his work to pick up some lumber. You just wouldnt believe what they throw away there. Lots and lots of 4 x4s, and even more 2x4s. They use them on pallates to seperate paper I think. One guy at his work was able to build a whole BARN out of all they throw away! So, we loaded up what they had left, so much had already been thrown out. Ian is going to build me a second chicken house with the wood. After loading that up we went home, he changed clothes and I went out to feed and water everyone. Since it was just the two of us we took off in his little tiny car, he offered to drive, and well, there IS only room for two in there...and went to the local pizza wing joint we like and had all you can eat wings for supper. Getting back late we soon crashed out and slept good.
Thursday is our usual grocery day, but we didnt go, so Friday morning I headed out for the store. Took longer with just me going...and I had to unload it all by myself when getting home. Those two liter drinks are still sitting out there in the back of the truck. ;). By the time I got it all in and put away I took a sit down break at the computer for about an hour, cleaned up the house, I was tired. Got the critters fed. Ian picked up Shelby after he got off work.
Shelby actually missed me. :) She told me so and gave me a big ole hug when they came through the door. What a sweetie. Made my whole day to hear that. She did have a good time at Mawmaw and Gaddys though. They took her shopping for her birthday at Barnes and Noble. I know, not where you would expect to take a soon to be thirteen year old for her birthday gift picking, but she loves books.
So, here I sit on a Saturday morning...Shelby is sleeping...I am catching up on journals and having my coffee, Ian has gone off to work, and the sun is out and it is going to be a wonderful day.
Now, onto some pictures from the fair!
Today we have pictures of beautiful LLamas. I love them so much. The thing about them is, they are SO loyal to their owners, love their owners, but are so standoffish to strangers. Well, this one down below here with Shelby was just the opposite. What a HAM! They had him out on the floor out of his stall and he will stop and POSE, stand perfectly still and look at the camera for you when he sees someone with a camera! In all fairness he is well socialized. His owner takes him around to nursing homes and hospitals and such. He will give a kiss if you ask him, and a he gave Shelby a kiss, she was just thrilled to be able to get personal like that with a llama. Usually they just dont warm to people they dont know.

I hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend. It is sunny and mild here today, going to get outside and enjoy it in a little while.
Those Llamas are beautiful. It's funny how they look so shy and look toward the wall. That one with Shelby is a friendly little thing. Looks like he is looking her right in the eyes. Hugs, Helen
Oh my goodness, they are so cute! I want one!
Still locked in for four more hours I thought I had better look around and see what everybody else was doing? Sum of a gun. Ian better be getting his shot gun out oiling and polishing it up. Miss Shelby is right quickly growing up. Just might be sooner than you may think she’ll be turning a few heads, if you know what I mean. Oh yeah. The lama’s fine but Shelby’s a lot finer.
The Old Coot
Kelly I just love the pictures of the Llamas ~ and the one with Shelby getting a kiss is really beautiful ~ how I would love to get that close to one ~ how lovely you got to pick up all that lumber ~ fancy just throwing it away ~ you should have a nice Chicken house made from that ~ Shelby is a sweetie saying she missed you can imagine how pleased that made you feel :o) ~ hope you are having a good weekend ~ Ally x
That LLama is beautiful. He does look so friendly. Goodness Shelby is a beautiful young lady! Hollie
That is a handsome llama there with Shelby. Nice pictures. Happy Birthday Shelby! I love to read too, but refuse to spend money on books. I can read plenty for free! Linda
I love the pictures of the llamas, they are beautiful animals!!! I can't believe someone was able to build a barn with throw away lumber, great for him but what a waste! I bet you did feel good when Shelby said she missed you ~ isn't great how something like that can just make our day.
Love the pictures of Shelby with the llama!
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