About Me

My photo
I am a 42 year old woman that is about as happy and content as one person can be. My husband of 21 years and our 15 year old daughter live on five and a half acres out in the country. We moved from the city four years ago and never looked back. I homeschool our daughter. We also love our animals. Our daughter has a miniature horse and two rabbits. We also have a border collie, two cats (again), two pot belly pigs, four peafowl, three emus, 2 llamas and an undetermined number of chickens, lets just say ohhh about 200. I have many breeds, from layers to fancy chickens. I love poultry shows, I love fowl in general as I have come to find out through having more than just chickens. Chickens will always be my first love though. I do show some of my birds occasionally.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Decision Made

After reading my entry, there may have been some confusion on my garbled writing. Sorry about that..I am not always as well expressed as I would like. ;)

Hank is the sweet Araucana roo. I would NEVER ever get rid of him. He is my big ole sweet puppy dog roo. He is just a loving guy.

Alan, on the other hand, is the mean one that I cant seem to rehabilitate.

Here is a picture of sweet Hank...



I dont have a picture of just Alan...but here is one of him on one of his better days as a protector of my girls...He is on the far right there standing watch as some of my girls take a dust bath.



I appreciate everyones comments and input. I guess my decision has been made for me for now. The guy never came back.

Shelby was in tears and really mad at me when she found out what I was going to do. She reminded me that when we have a pet we agree to take care of it...even if its not convenient.

And that is all my animals out there really are. Pets. Yes, they are livestock so to speak...but they are pets.

So Alan will stay for now...seeing as the guy never came back anyway.

Yeah, ten dollars was too much...I never told him a price though...so that is not why he didnt come back.

I guess my decision was made for me huh.

Okay, enough about that. Now, I got to get moving around here and get some things done. I do have lots to tell about Sunday...so I will be back in a little while.

Thanks again, everyone have a great day today. :)


Anonymous said...

We go by the same principle around here.  A pet is a pet no matter how inconvenient.  Glad you didn't listen to me!  LOL

Anonymous said...

Good for you. Ten dollars wouldn't have been too much if you were going to sell him to someone like yourself who wanted him for their flock. Just more than someone would pay for one to eat. He probably figured you didn't really want to sell him since you didn't give a price on him. Helen

Anonymous said...

Your daughter learned her lesson well. Hank is beautiful. Glad that problem is solved. It is hard to express one's self the way we intend in journals sometime. Paula

Anonymous said...

We are going to look at a farm next week when my husband is off. If we get it, bantams are in my future!  I almost have him talked into raising quail in our yard now!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you decided to keep Alan!  Linda

Anonymous said...

I love Shelby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :)  Yay for Alan!!!  Nice pics ~ Hank is really pretty.

Anonymous said...

Awwww... poor Shelby. I'm glad for her sake he's staying. Glad the guy never came back so you didn't have to really decide.
Hank is a stud. Loved the pics.
Take care, Chrissie
