About Me

My photo
I am a 42 year old woman that is about as happy and content as one person can be. My husband of 21 years and our 15 year old daughter live on five and a half acres out in the country. We moved from the city four years ago and never looked back. I homeschool our daughter. We also love our animals. Our daughter has a miniature horse and two rabbits. We also have a border collie, two cats (again), two pot belly pigs, four peafowl, three emus, 2 llamas and an undetermined number of chickens, lets just say ohhh about 200. I have many breeds, from layers to fancy chickens. I love poultry shows, I love fowl in general as I have come to find out through having more than just chickens. Chickens will always be my first love though. I do show some of my birds occasionally.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Pictures From The Tornado

All of these pictures are on Bon Loop Road. I didnt take any pictures over at Jim and Lindas place out of respect for her feelings.

I never asked to take pictures, but after she said she hadnt taken any because she 'just didnt feel very pretty right now' I didnt figure it would be appropriate for me to take pictures. I do think she should for insurance purposes though.

There are a few pictures I want to take of a whole slew of pine trees sheered off over on Old Alabama Road. That will be there though. I will get that picture later.


Just a side note, I am behind on reading up on everyone, but dont give up on me, I always manage to get over to see everyone. Try and be patient with me.



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The seventh and twelfth picture is, well was a house. This was where the Turners lived. She was killed and he is in the hospital.

The eleventh picture was their barn. I have a picture somewhere I have posted before of this barn with horses under the eave of it when it was raining I think.



Anonymous said...

Those are terrible pictures where the house stood. I can't see how the man is still living after going through that. That other couple really should have some pictures for insurance purposes. Those people in the green house were blessed that big tree didn't hit it else they might not be living today. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Oh those poor people!  I feel terrible for them.  Now I know in some states people just don't have basements.  Do you have them there?  I know in WI I think every house that isn't a mobile home has a basement.  I would be scared to death if I didn't have one!  

Anonymous said...

This is so sad.  My heart goes out to everyone affected ~ I cannot believe that was a house.  Scary.  Looking at the size of the tree roots gives an idea how powerful the wind was.  I watched the videos you linked and then saw quite a few others on YouTube.  Once again I am so thankful you guys came through it.

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful you all are ok.  I asked for prayers in my journal that day as I hadn't heard from you yet.  You all came out of it unscathed in comparison.  I was so thrilled you called.  Don't worry about not calling back because I got busy too.  I figured the job you were about to do might be a bigger one than you'd expected.  

I read a comment over in Lisa's journal, Life on a Bison farm, and I actually lol about Ian having to tell you NO to a buffalo.  I could just imagine you asking him though.  They are majestic.  I love her journal and she's a sweet friend, isn't she?


Anonymous said...

Kelly those pictures speak for themselves ~ the size of the roots of those trees are enormous ~ I think you are right about Linda needing to take pictures she may very well need them when claiming from her insurers ~ I am so glad you and yours are all OK ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Is it the Turners' picture that was found about a hundred & something miles away?  I saw that on the news, but I don't remember the name of the couple.  

It's devastating to see all the damage.  My thoughts & prayers are with all the ones effected by the tornado.

Thanks for sharing these pictures Kelly.


Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! So glad you are ok!

Anonymous said...

That is terrible devestation.  I'm sorry that Linda was killed.  So very sad...  Linda

Anonymous said...

How awful!  

((hugs)) Bethe

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could take the pictures for her?  You may remember, an F2 hit our county last month...it has been declared a Federal Disaster Zone...pictures are good fwhen dealing with FEMA...

We got off easy with just losing our tobacco barn door and some of the barn roof!

love, kas

Anonymous said...

My prayers to Linda's family. So glad you are okay. Paula

Anonymous said...

Sad, sad, sad.  


Anonymous said...

Keeping all these people in my prayers on the smoke. The devastation is horrible. Stay safe and loved! (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how much damage a tornado can do in such a short time.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

Running behind with comments. So glad that you and your family are all right. We live in a double wide. They call them manufactured homes. They tell you to leave but tornadoes just arrive before you realize what is happening. So glad there were not more lives taken, bad enough with what was. Isn't that something how much damage a tornado can do!! Wow! Wishing you a blessed Easter. God Bless, Janie

Anonymous said...

My god those are some awful pictures.  Wow.  That's one hell of a storm to go through Georgia.  Do you guys even have basements there?  It's rare to find a house around here that doesn't.  The very least we have is a crawl space that can be accessed from inside the house.  Once you get into Michigan they have what are called Michigan basements (literally, in the real estate ads, that's what they are called and everyone knows what it means) and you can't access those without going outdoors.  More often than not, they just have slab foundation, no cellars or basement.  The force it takes to uproot those trees is just phenomenal.  Some houses can easily be torn down by a strong wind but trees?  They're in it for the long haul, especially those large older trees you've posted.  I'm so glad you guys made it through all right.  Those pictures are just unbelievable.  You really captured the horror of those tornados.  
