About Me

My photo
I am a 42 year old woman that is about as happy and content as one person can be. My husband of 21 years and our 15 year old daughter live on five and a half acres out in the country. We moved from the city four years ago and never looked back. I homeschool our daughter. We also love our animals. Our daughter has a miniature horse and two rabbits. We also have a border collie, two cats (again), two pot belly pigs, four peafowl, three emus, 2 llamas and an undetermined number of chickens, lets just say ohhh about 200. I have many breeds, from layers to fancy chickens. I love poultry shows, I love fowl in general as I have come to find out through having more than just chickens. Chickens will always be my first love though. I do show some of my birds occasionally.

Friday, May 30, 2008

For Everyone

My own 13 year old daughter has shown me how to make my own slideshow video with music today. :) Thanks Shelby.

Here are todays pictures of my chicks still in the house. I hope y'all enjoy this. If the song hitches a little, I don't know why. Hopefully it won't for you. If so, I apologize.



Anonymous said...

Congratulations ! The video came out perfectly and the choice of music was awesome. Now ask your daughter to write a tutorial and publish it so that some people (me) can learn how it's done, especially adding the music.


Anonymous said...

That is great Kelly. She was smart to figure this out. Everything turned out perfect. Your chicks are beautiful. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

What a bright child you have!  I stay excited/obsessed about homeschooling too and this is the reason.  All the one on one I think helps.  I want to know how to do that.  Was it easy?  Thank you Shelby and thank you Kelly.


Anonymous said...

AWWW your video worked perfect for me!  ALmost made me cry!  Thinking of that tiny baby that died yesterday :(  

Anonymous said...

That is great... need to ask my son how to do that. Have a great weekend. Janie

Anonymous said...

Kelly loved the video and clever Shelby woring out how to do it on her own ~ and the music was great ~ who was the singer ?  ~ Ally x
