He he...okay maybe its How Time Flies When Your Having Fun...but I do like to mix it up...and its pretty funny too. :)
Wow, where does the time go?
A week has passed since my last entry. I need to get on the ball here don't I. Not keeping up with things too well.
Last Sunday I went to pick up Mama and Daddy, and to my surprise hell must have frozen over because my younger sister was actually going with us. None of us would believe it until she actually showed up at the doorstep..that is how reliable she can be. She really has good intentions...and we all know some really bad things have happened in history where good intentions were implemented. But, this time things were going to be alright. She showed up, late, but showed.
We took off about a half an hour late, but not a big deal. Made pretty good time down to Geneva. I thought MY little town was small. When I got back I looked up the population of Geneva and found it had only 113 people. I think half of them (no, I really mean it, half of the population) were in the Subway sandwich shop. That is the happening after church lets out place to go. Well, it is the only place to go. There is nothing else out there. I mean nothing. We all got our sandwiches along with Grandmamas. Erin had gone next door to the convenience store, and came back with what I havent seen since I was a kid. A Nehi drink, yes, I guess you can expect to find ancient artifacts like Nehis in Geneva.
Coming in late to the nursing home...Grandmama had decided to go on down to the dining room and have a bite to eat. Erin went to get her explaining that half of the town was in Subway thus our being severely delayed.
We all got settled in her little cubby corner half of the room and ate our sandwiches, making small talk, showing pictures. She was delighted to see Phoenix. Of course I brought him! I wouldnt leave him at home when his presence was requested. He was his usual friendly self, a very social little man. Three hours passed and before you knew it we had to get back on the road. You see it takes two and a half hours to get back to Mama and Daddys house...then another hour and fourty five minutes for me to get to my house from theirs. It is getting dark so early now and I don't do so well in the dark so we had to get going.
There is one thing that Grandmama said to me that made me smile. As she rubbed Phoenix underneath his neck feathers she said to me "I never understood why you loved chickens so much, but now I know, and now I understand. " For someone to "get" me, and "get" what I feel for my pet chickens is a big deal. Especially if it is Grandmama...because in all my years the only thing I ever remember her really loving were cats... and that was a long time ago. She is not big on the natural world of plants and animals...she loves her modern conveniences for sure. So for her to say that meant a lot.
As luck would have it Erin and Daddy both developed stomach problems. We had to make several stops if you know what I mean. I still made it back to familiar territory before darkfall.
All in all we had a good visit. I don't have any pictures because Grandmama didnt want me to take any. She has had to go off of Aleve for her pain and they have put her on Predenisone (sp?). She didnt feel up to snuff and said she just didnt look good. She did look a little tired.
So what else has gone on all week here?
Homeschool, homeschool, and more homeschool.
Animals, mowing, laundry, dishes, cleaning house..the usual.
Nothing out of the ordinary...which is a good thing in my book.
Sold a lot of eggs this week, good thing the new girls are starting to lay regularly.
Tip is still having to herd chickens every morning...but you know she loves it.
This weekend? Well, I am going to have to get on the ball and finish Bonnie and Clydes domicile...then tomorrow will be weed whacking, much trimming to be done.
Derby is doing fine, he has been on his vitamins for a couple of weeks now...lol...he thinks he is getting a treat when he gets those pellets. Ha, fooled him. I do think it is helping him. He seems to look better and his new hoof growth looks good, doesnt seem to have the fever rings on the upper hoof.
Well, enough talking, time to get to work! There is always work to be done. Shelby has her work today too...she will be cleaning the barn out completely and putting down fresh wheat straw in there.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend...and I will see you all sooner than later. :)
Here are a few pictures of my growing Silkies. These are the ones I got from Dwain. Twiggy is on the end there...that has become Shelbys favorite little guy now. :)

Sounds like a good visit with your Grandma. Wish I could pop in on my grandmas. They are both in assisted living in Iowa. Glad your sis came too.
I am glad that you had a good trip to see your Gramdmama. She has really taken to Phoenix. Those sikies are realy pretty. Hope your weekend goes well. Hugs, Helen
Hell DID freeze over... my MIL called her granddaughters for the first time in like 10 yrs.
Glad it wasn't only my way too.
Take care, Chrissie
Glad you had a good visit with your Grandmama ~ so pleased she was happy to see Phoenix and understands how much they mean to you ~ glad you made it back to familiar territory before it got dark ~ you sound like your days are so busy ~ lol at Tip herding those chickens we know how much he enjoyes doing that ~ Ally x
It is so refreshing to hear what you are doing on the week-end. My daughter e-mailed me yesterday to ask what I am doing this week-end. It worries her for me to say going to see the cows. lol Paula
Of course I have to comment on how adorable the Silkies are...they are gorgeous!
I'm glad you had a good weekend and your grandmama was happy to see Phoenix. I bet it did make you happy to know she gets you ~ Phoenix must have stolen her heart!! Great to hear Derby is responding well to the vitamins, get those feet growing good and you will be ahead of the game. Take care,
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