Been a long day...but I did manage to get the one thing I wanted to get done today accomplished. I got Bonnie and Clydes house finished. Now this doesnt look like much, but trust is built with messy chickens in mind. It is also a plain old white right now...but I will soon have it looking good with some stenciling or something.
Now first I wanted to point out the thick plexiglass barrier along the bottom half of the enclosure. That my friends is to keep messy chicken feet from kicking pine shavings out everywhere.
Next you will see a sturdy little table made just for their food and water. This is also to prevent shavings and poo from being kicked into them.
The chicken wire is just that, to keep them in.
It has a side door for access to the inside.
Now, looking at these pictures I think I will find some wallpaper and wallpaper the inside of that door and the back side of the inside of their house...that would just be so darn cute!
I also plan on seasonal curtains to close up over the side and front. For winter I will get some nice snow pattern or something like that in a thick material like flannel or fleece. Oh it will be so much fun to change out the curtains! LOL
They both seem very happy and very content with their new living quarters..and that makes me very happy to know that they are happy.
Other than that I didnt get a darn thing done today...I did mill around outside feeding and watering..talking to everybody about this and that.
Its all of ten oclock and I am ready for bed. Boy am I the party animal or what on Saturday night! LOL I have learned you better not party the night away or you will still have to get up with the chickens...and feel like ten miles of bad road...he I opt for a good nights sleep.

I think you got a lot done. I love the way you decorate. What other chicken can say they have curtains? So neat. Paula
In my next life, I want to come back as one of your chickens... Linda
I don't see a thing wrong with Bonnie & Clyde's new pen. It looks better than anything Tony & Colt have built for our chickens. Matter of fact it looks very professional to me. The curtains & stenciling.....WOW. It will be beautiful! JOB WELL DONE!!!!!
Oh, did you find anything out about DSL?
Looks like a very good job done to me. You are so thoughtful of your chicks. Helen
Kelly I think you have made a very good job on your chicken house ~ Bonnie and Clyde do look very content ~ love the idea of the curtains and something pretty stenciled on the woodwork ~ Ally x
Their new home looks great...they surely look settled in already. Darn, you are good! How cute is it going to be when it is decorated??!! I like the idea of the food & water up...I'm going to have to do something like that in our coop.
They are so cute. I have been begging my husband to let us get a pair of silkie girls (no roosters in the inner city, they would give us away.) Right now he says we have too many animals. silly man.
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