My mood. Sarcastic and somewhat agitated.
I guess I am just an intolerant old grouch that expects more out of people than I get.
There is a woman that has been here twice before. She has brought her toddler. I believe I have mentioned it in a previous entry. She wants him to get used to being around animals. She asked if when she came to get eggs if we could all go in the back for a few minutes each time and let him see the animals. She was nice enough. Her toddler boy is about two and a half? I saw he was still in diapers, so he has to be younger than three. Maybe he is two. I don't know, anyway.
The first visit was fine. He was a little rambunctious, but not too bad.
The second visit a little more energetic...chasing the chickens a little, which I didnt like, but it was mild and not helter skelter.
This visit, was just too much. She brought her OTHER toddler, maybe three years old? A girl. And the boy.
Since it is warming up I have let my fancy chickens in that one pen come out. They are easy to catch, easy to accidently step on, especially the two silkie girls, they are always up under my feet. Have to be really careful where I walk and pay attention.
BOTH children, running amuck. Here and there...everywhere. Running at my chickens.
The goal was to pet one, of course. Overenthusiastic behavior from the two prevented this from happening. It only succeeded in terrifying everyone.
It is Spring. Tim, my oldest Silver Phoenix roo gets it in his head sometimes that he needs to flog me. Other days, he is fine. Today was a good day, thank goodness, seeing as both toddlers seemed to take a shine to him and want to pet him. He was having none of it. As I saw this happening I asked the mother to please get them away from Tim NOW that he is not in a good mood all the time and may hurt them. She didnt seem to be too worried as she coddled them and softly told them to come away from there...and of course they arent really listening at all...as I began to panic afraid Tim would change his demeanor she finally went over and took the boys hand and led them both away.
Then they proceeded in sticking their little fingers into the rabbits hutch. I reminded the mother that their little fingers may get bitten from this. She didnt say much to them. So I did, the SECOND time they were back over there, doing it again.
The little boy has a fascination with closing things up. He was trying to close up the chicken house door. Mommy says to leave it alone. He is oblivious to her.
At this point she has asked me about homeschooling and I am trying to talk to her about it, but I am severely distracted as the boy has begun to run around and try to kick the closest chicken.
My eyes are wandering, my train of thought is broken as I slowly and jaggedly talk to her.
I can't take it anymore. I say to the little boy,
"Please! Don't try to kick my chickens! How would you like it if someone was trying to kick you?"
Then he goes up to the Sultan pen. Raising up his arms and beating on the door to the pen.
More running and trying to kick chicks since he cant get into the Sultans pen.
Finally, blessedly, the mother says he is in trouble and takes him by the hand and leads both toddlers out of the fence.
When Shelby was a toddler...she never behaved this way. Ever. I never had to make her understand that animals hurt and have feelings too. I never had to explain to her why she shouldnt pull the cats tails or run at them, or throw them, or any of these things.
I realize that some children must be taught this. But please, please TEACH them now. Don't think they are too young to understand.
An example of this. My Mama told me this story, and I cant remember the circumstances behind it. Whether it was me, my sister, or someone else. The story is this. Some toddler had a terrible habit of biting other children. I believe it was either me or my sister were told to bite the kid back, and hard. So that is what happened the next time the child bit. He/she got bit back. That child now realized how much it hurt, and never bit again.
I am not advocating letting a child get hurt to make the point of "You hurt me, I will hurt you".
Children need to be taught respect for any other living thing, animal, or human.
I dont know. Maybe I am just not a very tolerant person. Maybe I dont like small children. Maybe I am wrong and impatient with people.
I just know this. I never had to deal with this kind of behavior from my child. I dont know if it was something I did early on to instill the compassion and kindness Shelby has towards animals, but regardless of what I did or didnt have to do she is as gentle and kind a soul to people and animals as anyone could be. So I am impatient and intolerant of unruly children that have not been taught from an early age to behave. If they cant behave, they need to just stand there and be still and be quiet.
With all this said, I have two choices as I see it.
One being to ban anyone from going in the back at all, ever.
The other, to educate and have a talk with the children that may go to the back. Some little short speech like this...of the top of my head.
These are my animals. Please be nice to them and they will be nice to you. No running, no screaming. Walk quietly and slowly when you are back here. If you want to pet an animal, please ask first and I will help you to pet them properly. Remember, animals have feelings and feel pain just like you do, so please don't grab at them or pull on them.
I will be honest with you. I just want to scrap the whole thing and not have anyone back there. I used to enjoy showing people my animals. At this point it is becoming increasingly a giant pain in my posterior.
That is the pessimest in me.
SIGH...okay, everyone have at me. Tell me what a grouch and an intolerant mean person I am. Though I doubt too many will, everyone is entitled to an opinion.
As a side note, I had this raving lunatic idea...just a funny picture in my mind. Well at first I thought of making a pen for Allen and attaching it to the entrance of the gate. Just now though, now I am thinking of tying him to the post next to the gate entrance with a sign that says Beware, Attack Rooster.
What do y'all think? He is a mean old boy. I can guarantee nobody would enjoy trying to get past him. He would probably enjoy the freedom too. LOL who knows, the interaction with us may even prove to make him a better behaved rooster. Just a thought.
Today is sunny and warm and I am going to take some wonderful pictures and video when I go outside today. I hope to have some good stuff to put on here tomorrow.