About Me

My photo
I am a 42 year old woman that is about as happy and content as one person can be. My husband of 21 years and our 15 year old daughter live on five and a half acres out in the country. We moved from the city four years ago and never looked back. I homeschool our daughter. We also love our animals. Our daughter has a miniature horse and two rabbits. We also have a border collie, two cats (again), two pot belly pigs, four peafowl, three emus, 2 llamas and an undetermined number of chickens, lets just say ohhh about 200. I have many breeds, from layers to fancy chickens. I love poultry shows, I love fowl in general as I have come to find out through having more than just chickens. Chickens will always be my first love though. I do show some of my birds occasionally.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Trying But No Luck

I have been trying for two days to access Create A Journal. When I click on it, it just says that AOL Journals are not available right now...well when will it be? Its been two days! So, I have not been able to make my other journals like I wanted to. I will be back later to make an entry with pictures...right now I am feeling somewhat sleepy...we have gotten rain every day and every night for days and it makes me sleepy..so I will indulge myself for a couple of hours and be back later on with coffee in hand. :)


Anonymous said...

You lucky thing on that rain. We are still badly in need of rain here. Hope you can get awake soon LOL. Helen

Anonymous said...

Send the rain our way, if we don't soon get some good rain I fear our hay crops are going to suffer tremendously.  I had some problems with AOL yesterday as well - some of the areas I tried to enter were not available.  :(

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling. It rained yesterday and it is cloudy today and I don't want to do a thing. Paula

Anonymous said...

Hope its up and running soon!  Linda
