I wish you could hear Clyde's crow...it just cracks me up. He has such a big personality for such a tiny little cockeral.
Well, that lady to this day has not called me. She better not. I might just decide to give her a piece of my mind, not that I have any to spare...HA HA...lol.
Doesn't matter. I question how well she would have taken care of them anyway. I mean, if she didnt have time to come and get them, is she going to have any time to feed and water them every day?
The man who got five Golden Phoenix from me was waiting on five Silver Phoenix. I got those for him, and he wants to buy the five Sumatra chicks too...and I am giving him the extra three Silver Phoenix...I don't want them, and who needs just three. Better to go with the bunch. He is picking those up this evening.
The ten Serama chicks will be picked up this weekend. A man from Dalton GA was waiting on them. Told him the tale of the unreliable customer...he says their loss, his gain...and everyone has agreed, the lady probably wouldn't have taken care of them and they would have died.
Teddy and her family aren't going to be able to come this weekend. It is always something. I sure am glad I lead a boring life...all that drama and excitement would stress me. Her car is in the shop, CV joints going out...hubby has to work...porch was falling down off the house, hubby has gotten off his butt and has torn it down and has the framework up...I told her by all means, let him work on it. I know how it is, just let them do it while they feel like it. There will come a time when they want to slack off. She is also in the process of trying to rid her house of a freeloaidng boyfriend of her 20 year old daughter. He can't seem to find his dream job, so he sits on his rear all day in front of the computer, eating them out of house and home. This has been going on for a year. Daughter just adores him...so she has a choice, can leave with him, or stay home without him. This is all supposed to come to a head at the end of June...til hubby pipes in and says if he can get a job within a weeks time, they have an extra thirty days...Teddy was furious...she was going to stick to her guns.
Yep, I lead a pretty boring existance...and I like it that way. :)
I was not really surprised that she couldn't make it. I am not disappointed because I know she will come eventually before the summer is out, and I will be here.
Now we will see if Sherry remembers to call me on Wednesday to let me know if she is coming up on Friday.
I won't hold my breath...lol. Hey she could surprise me, we will see.
I discovered something this morning. This computer upstairs works better than the NEW one...lol. Online anyway. Much quicker response time. On Flickr it takes like ten minutes for one pic to upload. Up here, I can upload 6 pictures in like a minute! Now that is the way it is supposed to be! So maybe I will just do my entries up here from now on.
I have to catch upon my picture taking, but for now I will show some pictures of my Daddys garden.
Daddy has kept a garden for as long as I can ever remember. He is very good at it, and loves it. I hope one day I can be as good as him at growing vegetables. Right now I just stick to tomatoes and chickens. I have to say that we are getting a lot of cucumbers and squash in from Ians efforts.
I will show some in this entry, and some in tommorrows entry.